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Questions regarding the prevalent Tax Law of the European Union

Questions regarding the prevalent Tax Law of the European Union

Once again the Campus of Jerez was the centre point for a development framework of a special forum which involved tax advisors, students, university professors and personnel from the Tax Office.  On this occasion, a new conference took place on questions of the prevalent taxation within the European Union which the University of Cadiz imparts within its Tax Advisory Master in conjunction with the Financial and Tax Law given at this University.

The speakers of the conference were:

Julia Martinez Rico, Deputy Director General for matters of International Tax, Tax Office and member of the United Nations Committee of Experts on International Cooperation on tax matters.  This accomplished speaker conveyed her vision with regard to the actual European Union tax situation: she analyzed the Administrative Cooperation Directive dated 2011/16/UE relating to the exchange of information; the recent proposal (16 March 2011) of the commission with regard to consolidating the common base for Corporate Tax which hopes to locate production factors (workers, assets), loss consolidation and facilitate tax management by having to deal with just one Administration.

León Fernando del Canto, founding Partner of Konsilia Tax Legal, international tax expert and collaborator of the Master, followed the above speaker.  He exposed the view from a professional side, as to the application of the European Union Tax Law in Gibraltar, making special mention to the modifications that this territory has made since its inception to the European Union in 1973 up until now.  Since the jurisdiction and governance is different to that of the United Kingdom, it offers itself to the International Community as an offshore center having no VAT, Inheritance Tax or Wealth and Capital Gains Tax.

Dr. Adolfo Martin Jimenez, Dean of the Financial and Fiscal Law at the University of Cadiz, animated the debate that followed.  The importance of these matters were put forward and discussions were enhanced by all those participating and by the illustrious speakers attending this special forum.

The next session of the Tax Advisory Master will be held on June 23rd and will be given by Dr. Adolfo Martin.  Taking part in this session will also be Dr. Francisco Escribano, Dean of Financial and Fiscal Law of the University of Seville.  He will speak on the more problematic aspects of Tax procedures.


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