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The Beckham Rule

And Tax Benefits

Expats working in Spain have access to significant tax advantages with the Beckham Rule.

Expats Working in Spain

Under Spain’s general tax regime, you could be taxed up to 43% of your annual income. The Beckham Rule can reduce your tax liability to 24% on income up to €600,000. Our expert team can advise you on whether the Beckham Rule applies to your income and situation.

Our Experts in Spanish Immigration Matters

What is the Beckham Rule?

The Beckham Rule is a special tax regime for expatriates. It was introduced as an incentive to attract talented and qualified workers to Spain.

Under the Beckham Rule regime, foreign workers who move to Spain and become residents are considered non-tax residents for tax purposes. Therefore, the tax owed on the first €600,000 of Spanish income is fixed at 24%. In addition, non-resident status means the Wealth Tax and new Solidarity Tax will apply only to Spanish assets rather than those held in other countries. 

An expatriate’s descendants under 25 years of age (or any age if they are disabled) and their spouse can benefit from the Beckham rule, provided certain conditions are met. Talk to one of our team to find out more.

Our clients have the word

Beckham Rule. Are You Eligible?

What makes Del Canto Chambers the right choice for you?

Del Canto Chambers’ dual-qualified, multilingual tax lawyers have handled over 500 complex cases from Europe, the Middle East, Latin America, and Asia. Discerning London-based and international clients, corporations, solicitors, and tax advisors count on our expertise.

You can more about what clients have to say, about working with Del Canto Chambers here below.

FAQs about the Beckham Rule:

It is a special regime applicable to foreign workers who establish themselves in the country. This regime allows them to benefit from certain tax advantages for a specific period.

Expatriates who choose to adhere to the Beckham Rule may enjoy more favorable taxation compared to the standard tax regime. During the first six years, income generated outside of Spain is not subject to taxes, which can be advantageous for those with foreign income.

It is aimed at foreign workers who move to the country to carry out work activities. This regime applies to professionals with specific skills contributing to the economic and social development of Spain.

It has a duration of six years. During this period, expatriates can enjoy additional tax benefits, such as the exclusion of taxation on income generated outside the country.

 After six years, expatriates who have benefited from the Beckham Rule must adhere to the standard tax regime in Spain. This involves declaring and paying taxes on the entirety of their income, both generated within and o


Let us Guide you on our service for the Beckham Rule

Del Canto Chambers specialists are constantly up to date with new legislative changes and aware of any Spanish tax and legal implications. Contact our Spanish legal and tax specialists to find out the best tax planning and corporate structures in your circumstances.


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Articles & News

At Del Canto Chambers we are always sharing our knowledge and act as an active voice across different media. The following articles and news are related to and relevant for Real Estate Sale & Purchase and Spanish Tax Law.

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