Challenging Spanish Tax Office’s notification system to UK residents
Del Canto Chambers Spanish tax team, led by Paula Losada has recently achieved a significant victory against the Spanish Tax Authorities in an administrative court
Del Canto Chambers Spanish tax team, led by Paula Losada has recently achieved a significant victory against the Spanish Tax Authorities in an administrative court
Mortgage expenses “to be refunded in full”. Once again, the ECJ corrects the jurisprudence of the Spanish Supreme Court, on this occasion with regards to
Post-COVID19 insolvencies in Spain: Apocalypse now? As we reported in our previous legal alert, the state of emergency has practically suspended all non-urgent activity before
Dear Clients Del Canto Chambers Press Note on COVID-19. Due to the recent communications issued by several Official Sources advising companies to promote the teleworking
The European Court of Justice ruling on IRPH Spanish mortgage loan clauses. The court handed down judgment on 3 March 2020, granting consumers affected by
The new strategy of banks: request the testimony of the borrowers. Banks are up against the wall. Especially with regard to floor clause claims. The
The OCU appeals the decision of the CGPJ to create specialized courts for floor clause claims. This isn’t the first time that from Del Canto
If you violate her, you violate me! Spaniards have taken to the streets to protest the verdict of five men accused of raping an 18-year-old
The claims service of the Bank of Spain has been overwhelmed by consumers making complaints against lenders for abusive mortgage interest floor clauses, and set-up
The Decision has already aroused the first controversies in the Spanish legal scene and in the Consumers Associations that will undoubtedly raise this case to
Del Canto Chambers is a leading London Anglo Spanish firm specialising in Law, Tax & Legal Advice. Our dual-qualified, multilingual lawyers specialise in international law and tax and have worked on over 500 cases globally.
Chancery House
53-64 Chancery Lane
WC2A 1QS London
Tel: +44 207 043 0648
Represented via offices in Spain (Barcelona, Ibiza, Galicia, Madrid, Mallorca, Algeciras, Marbella & London). Our Clients are from all over the world, but with a focus on UK/Spain.
In accordance to the Bar Standards Board, we hereby inform you that you may contact us for a quotation.