Dear Clients

Del Canto Chambers Press Note on COVID-19. Due to the recent communications issued by several Official Sources advising companies to promote the teleworking in those zones where there is a high risk of transmission of the so called Virus Covid-19.
Our Firm has decided to put in practice these measures in order to prevent and stop the spreading of the virus.
Del Canto Chambers has a wider experience in teleworking with part of its team operating from Spain, the United Kingdom and Qatar.
Our team is working in this moment of global health crisis with the most care and professionalism throughout the virtual channels to ensure our communications with clients are maintained efficiently.
We are working as far as possible to provide our clients with a good service adapted to their needs with less minimum possible disruptions.
Likewise, please bear in mind that if you are waiting for a Court decision as well as waiting for any administrative arrangements that are pending to be resolved from third parties or Public Institutions, your case may suffer delays and/or cancellations due to this emergency situation.
We recommend taking the appropriate precautions and we wish you all the best of health.
If you would like more information or help or advice on any legal matters, please call us now on +44 2070 430648 or email us and we will be delighted to help you.
León Fernando Del Canto
Del Canto Chambers
Del Canto Chambers is a leading London Chambers specialising in tax, international tax and legal affairs, property law, intellectual property and legal advocacy.
To make a no-obligation enquiry, please either call us now on:
+44 2070 430648 or Make An Online Enquiry.
We will come back to you within 24 hours, and we will be delighted to help you.