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The Spanish courts are collapsing with the demands of floor clauses

The Spanish courts are collapsing with the demands of floor clauses

The ground court courts receive almost 2000 lawsuits in one week through Lexnet, we read on June 13 at ConfiLegal.

But what exactly is Lexnet and what is it used for? Lexnet is a secure information exchange platform between the judicial bodies and the legal operators that was created to streamline and optimize the management of notifications, writings or demands of the Spanish legal profession. Thus, as a lawyer, I can send and collect my demands electronically through this service.

With this platform, it has tried to modernize Justice and to facilitate professional exercise. As we read on the page of the Spanish Bar Association: “It is an online service available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. It avoids you unwanted queues and having to adjust your schedules to those of the Administration of Justice.”

But the reality is another: we find that Lexnet is not as effective as it is presented to us. Sometimes the demands raised on the platform are rejected, the documentation weighs more than what the system supports (10 megs) or it takes time to load all the documentation.

The difficulties presented by Lexnet are added to the already collapsed Courts of floor Clauses, which are not yet in optimal operation. According to data from the General Congress of the Judicial Power (CGPJ), it is estimated that more than 90,000 claims could be filed in the first year of operation of the courts specialized in floor clauses. This will cause an annual increase of 73.4% in the already overloaded ordinary courts.
We must arm ourselves with patience before these delays and collapses, our aim is to recover the money of the people who have trusted in our equipment and the Spanish banks can not go unpunished to everything unduly charged. Although the procedure is long, we will not give up our efforts.

Laia Fernández Bernálte
Del Canto Chambers

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