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The Spanish Embassy held a meeting on Brexit

The Spanish Embassy held a meeting on Brexit

The Spanish Embassy held a meeting on Brexit

“This is a historic moment from which there can be no turning back”  said yesterday Theresa May in the House of Commons; few hours after her ambassador in the EU Tim Barrow gave to Donald Tusk; EU Council President, the letter which officially triggered the Article 50 TUE. Yesterday; it was as historical as very intensive day in media, all worldwide tabloids covered this event that with no doubt will be on the media spot day to day in the following two years.

Also yesterday; Del Canto Chambers as well as different organizations of Spanish Citizens in the UK attended at the Spanish Embassy for the meeting which was organized by the Spanish Ambassador Mr. Carlos Bastarreche and his counsellors to announce that the Embassy has made available to the Spanish Citizens living in the UK an online full service for those who wish to state their concerns or ask any question that may affect them as consequence of Brexit.

One of the main topics was discussed yesterday in the meeting and it was asked many times by attendees was if the Embassy would recommend people to apply or not for a UK Permanent Resident Card. The Ambassador said: “this decision enters in the personal scope of every person to decide if must to do or not. Notwithstanding; it would be desirable for those people who decide to apply it to gather all documents needed before applying as well as it would be desirable that the Home Office would simplify the arrangements for obtaining the PR”. Furthermore: he added: “it is very important that the British authorities respect the acquired rights of the EU citizens”.

Nowadays the Home Office does not recommend to its British Citizens to apply for the PR as well as you will see in the Home Office website; “there has not been changes to the rights and status of EU Nationals in the UK; or the UK nationals as the UK prepares to leave the EU”. Analysing this small context; meanwhile they are negotiating your rights as EU citizens will not be deprived; however it is important to know that the only document which certifies that you are entitled to permanently reside in the UK is the Permanent Residence Card as the H.O. says: “You can apply for a document to prove your right to live in the UK…”  So whoever wish to apply for proving its rights as EU Citizens, this is the only document so far which is valid as well as if you wish to apply for the British Citizenship. Being cautious as the Spanish Ambassador is; if someone has the opportunity to do; and fulfil the requirements that the H.O; Del Canto Chambers would recommend to do it, because with the current legislation once you have your Permanent Residence Card none will be able to deprive of your residence unless you leave the country for two years; in this case you will lose your rights of permanent residence.

Del Canto Chambers wishes to express its entire collaboration with the Spanish Embassy for those questions to be asked on Permanent Residence Card as well as we offer our services and advice for those citizens who wish to apply for.

Julio Prieto (@jpr4)

Lawyer at Del Canto Chambers

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