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The Changing Face of the Media in Latin America

The Changing Face of the Media in Latin America

Del Canto Chambers was invited by the Canning House to their conference ‘The Changing Face of the Media’ in Latin America, where speakers Mr. Graco Perez, International Relations Journalist in Honduras for the newspaper ‘La Prensa’, and Mr. Chumel Torres, comedian, youtuber, TV and Radio Host, explained the situation of press and media in Latin America, specially with regards to freedom of speech and the influence of politicians.

Graco Perez reviewed the history of press in Honduras and held that there are existing fears on journalism in Latin America, specially about freedom of information and the violence exercised against these professionals, 31 journalists were murdered last year. He especially underlined that threats, censorship, government control or corruption are issues that difficult their job for digging up and reporting on organised crime.

On the other hand, Chumel Torres described himself as a comedian and showman, not as a journalist, because he actually studied mechanical engineer; however, Chumel put special emphasis on how difficult it was for him to start his show, as his project was rejected by the Mexican Channels, which were not open to discuss the reality of politicians in Mexico, even in a ‘funny way’ he regrets, they did not respond to my emails’. Notwithstanding, media platforms, such as youtube, allowed him to develop his own show. He reviews the news and topicality of Mexico and the world in a 20-25 minutes comedy show ‘El Pulso de la República’, which counts 2 million followers now. ‘In four minutes I have to gain your attention, otherwise I’ll lose you, the rest are videos from real news’. His comedy show is being now broadcasted in the HBO on its second season.

Del Canto Chambers is committed to freedom of speech through press and media in the world, which is essential to defend the democratic values. We also support journalists on their defense of a truthful and a contrasted information out of political and lobbies influences.

Julio Prieto
EU Lawyer – Abogado
Del Canto Chambers

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