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Self-employed workers and SMEs, with more margin to defer their debts with the Spanish Tax Agency

Self-employed workers and SMEs, with more margin to defer their debts with the Spanish Tax Agency

Self-employed workers and SMEs, with more margin to defer their debts with the Spanish Tax Agency

SMEs and self-employed workers will be able to defer their debts and tax payments such as VAT, income tax or corporate tax after the flexibilization of the deferral system by the Tax Agency.

The Ministry of Finance will soften the debt deferral system for SMEs and self-employed workers. With this measure, they will be able to automatically defer the payment of their debts worth up to 30,000 euros.

In addition, they will not have the need to submit guarantees for these debts. In this sense, self-employed workers will have a period of twelve monthly instalments to pay them, while SMEs will have six monthly instalments for it.

The Ministry will consider these debts as “uncollected invoices”, which will streamline the process, after negotiations with the Spanish Federation of Self-Employed Workers Associations (ATA). Taxpayers will have the opportunity to manage their deferrals through the Tax Agency online platform.

In the year 2015 about 1,670,000 applications were submitted to the Tax Agency for deferral. Now, after this flexibilization, it is estimated that some 2,100,000 self-employed workers and small entrepreneurs, and 1,100,000 SMEs could benefit from it.

This simplified system will affect VAT taxes, income tax withholding and corporate tax instalment payments. Self-employed workers will have the possibility of extending their VAT payments, as well as extending both, instalments and payments of their income tax. As per SMEs, they can delay their VAT and corporate fees.

Finally, depending on the guarantee provided, those self-employed and SMEs with debts over 30,000 Euros may also defer the said payment during 36 monthly instalments. What will not change will be the interest in arrears, which remains at 3.75%.

Such a measure contributes to alleviating tax burdens for small taxpayers and avoiding delays in the granting of these extensions currently taking place on a yearly basis.

At Del Canto Chambers we are specialized in tax and commercial law.  Please feel free to contact us at

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