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A Global Analysis of Tax Treaty Disputes

A Global Analysis of Tax Treaty Disputes

Global Analysis of Tax Treaty Disputes is a book that must be read.

Eduardo Baistrocchi, author of this book and Associate Professor of Law in the London School of Economics LSE, reviewed with his collaborators around 1,500 cases, where Eduardo finally included in his book a ‘Global Taxonomy’ of 116 tax identified patterns of tax treaty disputes.

This analysis which cover ‘from the 60’s the Galaxy of Tax Treaty Disputes up to 2015’ when the BEPS report was published. He appoints that “the taxonomy has been seen as a test to evaluate the periodic basis of what is extended in the 2015 BEPS tax report, trigger, structural changes and the patterns of tax treaty dispute between BEPS reports” .

“The increase of new countries which have emerged in the center of Tax Universe Regime, converted the world in a competition game”, he stated. Also it is curious to see in his analysis how G20 countries found their gateway for selling products and services through non G20 countries, and see how these Non G20 countries are in the center of this universe.

Del Canto Chambers which attended to the presentation of this very interested book; wants to congratulate Eduardo for this very well studied work.

Our Firm as part of its media strategy already collaborate with the London School of Economics and Diario El Pais in The Observatory of the Spanish-speaking World. Furthermore, Del Canto Chambers which has a very important role providing Legal & Tax Services to British Clients, Companies and Individuals Investors, it is fully immerse in its Complementary Tax Seminars where our Tax Advisors are visiting Firms across the UK informing and explaining about the Anglo Spanish Tax and Legal Update for 2017. Our Tax Seminars that cover several Tax topics, may be very useful for those companies and individuals investing in Spain.

Should you are interested to take part of these Tax Seminars please contact us.

Julio Prieto
European Lawyer
Del Canto Chambers

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